When it’s Time to Seek Help: An Interview on Postpartum Depression with Rachel Rennie

Postpartum depression has a way of making this confusing, challenging season of navigating life with a newborn feel even heavier, and my friend Rachel Rennie knows this firsthand. After hearing Rachel share on social media how she dealt with postpartum depression and anxiety after the births of her two children, I knew right away that I had to have her on the podcast. I just love the vulnerability, wisdom, and truth with which she addresses this important topic, and I know you will, too! 

In today’s episode, Rachel and I chat about:

  • her experiences with postpartum depression and anxiety after the births of her two children

  • why this topic is so important and needs to be talked about

  • getting help for postpartum depression through the form of counseling and medication

  • her struggles with intrusive thoughts and methods she’s used to cope with them

  • how faith and science can actually go together when it comes to finding help and healing

  • hope for the mom who’s struggling to cling to God in this season

Resources Mentioned:

Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts

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