When God Writes Your Family Story: An Interview on Foster Care and Adoption with Katrina Hilliard

I love getting to know and support families who are involved in foster care, and today I want to introduce you to an amazing friend, Katrina Hilliard, who has so much wisdom to share when it comes to fostering. Katrina and her husband have been navigating the world of foster care for the past three years and have definitely learned a thing or two about trusting God along the way! I just love the honesty with which Katrina describes the rollercoaster ride of emotions that oftentimes comes with fostering and how her faith was stretched as a result. If you’ve ever considered becoming a foster parent, know somebody who is a foster parent, or just want to learn more about the foster care process, this episode is sure to be an encouragement to you!

In today’s episode, Katrina and I chat about:

  • how God led them to foster care three years ago and what the process of becoming certified as a foster parent was like

  • the day they met their first foster child for the first time and the months that followed

  • meeting birth parents and the heart change she personally experienced regarding this

  • the challenging journey leading up to their first son’s adoption and how her faith was stretched along the way

  • the blessings of support and community for foster parents

  • advice for women considering foster care

Resources Mentioned:

FaithBridge Foster Care