When You're More Than Just Surviving: An Interview on Thriving in Motherhood with Kara-Kae James

The Lord’s desire for us is not just to survive motherhood, but rather to THRIVE in motherhood and to experience the abundant life he has for us! This is a message that Kara-Kae James is so passionate about and has created an entire ministry on. If you’re at all familiar with her work through Thrive Moms, then I know you are just going to LOVE her new book, Mom Up: Thriving with Grace in the Chaos of Motherhood, which I had the pleasure of chatting to her about for today’s episode. Grab your earbuds and join in on our conversation on what it looks like to thrive with grace as we lean into the Lord’s desires for us in this season of motherhood!

In today’s episode, Kara-Kae and I chat about:

  • the heart and message behind her book Mom Up

  • what intentional motherhood looks like through the lens of our identity in God

  • the importance of finding genuine community

  • protecting your marriage for the long haul

  • the difference between the world’s definition of rest and true rest in the Lord

  • embracing chaos and choosing joy in everyday motherhood

  • the vision behind Thrive Moms and the resources it offers moms today

Meet Kara-Kae:

Kara-Kae James is a writer and encourager passionate about seeing women’s lives changed and impacted through the gospel. She is the founder and Executive Director of Thrive Moms, a ministry dedicated to seeing moms step out of survival mode and into the thriving, abundant life that God calls them to. She is also the author of the book “Mom Up: Thriving with Grace in the Chaos of Motherhood”. Kara-Kae is married to her husband, Brook, and mom to four. She works daily to encourage women to reach their potential as moms and as daughters of Christ. She is passionate about pouring into moms because she knows first-hand that many moms are struggling and in desperate need of a reminder that God loves us, and we are doing His holy work. 

Resources Mentioned:

Mom Up: Thriving with Grace in the Chaos of Motherhood

Thrive Moms

Kara-Kae James’ Website

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